Thursday 31 December 2009

A Self-evolution Resolution

It's that time of year.

A kind of watershed for all that has happened in the past year. How was 2009 for you?

For many people it has been a year of worry and challenges and possibly changes. This is the same for some people every year, 2009 just seems to have amplified it.  None of us are immune to the challenges and worry that life throws us. What makes any situation more manageable is our ability to cope with the challenges and that comes from within not without.

STRESS is an inside job.

No one can make us feel stressed, really, think about it for a moment.

We always have a choice in the matter of how we  react to certain situations.

Things and people can "push our buttons".

The situations that cause stress are usually as a result of our limiting beliefs - our gremlins - things we, or others, have put  in our software supposedly to keep us safe.

Most often these gremlins make us fearful, and that causes the stress.

For example -
You are stuck in traffic - you will be late for an important meeting - you start to feel very anxious and display some unattractive mannerisms!

Why are you stressed?

Follow the train of thought your mind is taking......
You will walk in late - make a bad impression - not get the deal - not make your target this month - look stupid to your colleagues - lose your bonus - not be able to pay for the new car payment/mortgage etc - get behind with finances..........

See where your mind is taking you...... no wonder you are stressed!!

In reality - you get to the meeting late to find others due at the meeting were held up and the meeting started half an hour later to wait for every one. You end up being one of the first few to arrive!

So what has that to do with New Year?

Well, it seems to me that we make the same New Year  Resolutions every year.
The only way to stop repeating the same life lessons is to change at some level.

This requires a journey to your inner self - a journey that is never to late to start - and from which  great life change is possible.
If not, what is the point?
Why keep living situations that challenge you and prevent you thriving.

If you aren't willing to make a change, expect to be making the same resolutions next year, and the next, and the next. The same life lessons will repeat until  (you) fade.

My wish for you is for you to make Self-evolution Resolution.

Ask yourself what needs to change, be open to receive the answer and act upon the information.

With some attention and awareness a person, book or situation will arise that will take you a step forward, away from the same old, same old and on the path to growing a better life .